03 May 2007

Things that make you go hmmm....

Life is funny sometimes... I love where I work. The people are amazing and I spend a lot more time laughing than I get paid to do. But hey, it makes the days fly! We just got these cool carafes for our coffee, and I was so stoked. I can drink coffee all day and night. Anyway, one of my dear co-workers decided to put a small coffee cup under the basket drip thingy and turned it on. Why oh why, dear friends would someone do this? I just don't know. Of course, the coffee streamed onto the floor and created a huge mess. This wouldn't be funny if we weren't all really intelligent people, if I do say so myself. My dear co-worker stayed and cleaned the entire mess. We all had a good laugh over it today.

Beyond the good times at the office, I've been thinking about my wild times in the Aloha State. There's no better place to party, in my opinion. I just relayed a story to a friend that I thought I'd told her about long ago. It has a profane title, so let's just say it involved male anatomy. Anyway, this slick rick thought it would be a good idea to slip his rod of glory into my hand while I had my back to him. Now, as nothing of this nature had ever happened to me, I was shocked. Too stunned to do anything more than scream and rant at him for his "indiscretion." Thanks to this rude dude, I now know what to do when faced with the one-eyed snake--at least when it's used in such a way!

But see, that's the funny part of life. Just like Forrest Gump's mama said, "Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get." Never would I suspect that my co-worker would do something as silly as expect to catch 24 cups of coffee in an 8-ounce Styrofoam cup. And never in a million years would I have expected to have a close encounter of the penile kind, especially not in a public place! Yeah, eventually this stuff is going to end up in a book. You knew it would come to that.

So what's the weirdest thing that's happened to you?


Ellen said...

OMG! I can't believe that slick rick guy did that to you! That would creep me out beyond words. LOL.

Your poor co-worker. I have to say, that's something I would've done since my mind is often elsewhere. :)

Weirdest thing that's ever happened to me? Hmm...OH! I know - don't know if this is the weirdest, but it WAS weird and along the same lines as your story. I went on a date with a guy and back to his place because he had to "get something" I think - like money for gas before taking me home. I didn't know him well, but he was a friend of a friend so I wasn't too worried. While I was waiting for him, I picked up a book off his shelf, sat down, and started reading it. I fell asleep in the chair - it had been a long night and I'd probably been drinking some. I woke up to him, er, trying to have his way with me. Eww! I announced the date was over and never saw him again. God, I haven't thought about that in YEARS.

Elayne said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's met these rude dudes! I don't know what makes men think it's okay to behave like that! Do you ever wonder if that old date of your kicks himself for being a jerk? I always wonder things like that because I know I've done my share of stupid, and I would hate for people to continue to think I'd act the same 20 year later. To be honest, though, I expect that people who try to take advantage of another--regardless of how--will always see their fellow person as someone to crawl over.

You reacted well, Ellen. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to "show" my little pervert what I thought of him, but I'll only have to learn that lesson once!

As to the coffee thing, I'm sure it was one of those mind-numb things. Wednesday and Thursday felt especially long, so it was probably a fatigue-driven incident. I learned a lot about my co-workers though. See, the ones who cleaned it up weren't the ones who caused the spillage. They happened upon it, and decided not to pretend they hadn't. Maybe it's the mom in me, but I SO respected what they did. And they didn't grumble about it. They turned it into a tear-inducing laugh for all of us.