05 January 2007

Catching up...

Over the holidays my friend recommended that I read a book--the omnibus by three authors. You may remember my little discussion. This is the story that my friend couldn't get through and was vehement in her dislike. At any rate, I did read the story, but completely forgot to submit my thoughts here as promised. It was not terrible. I was concerned about the heroine's larger-than-life experience for her tender age, but that was explained in a reasonable manner, so I was okay with that. The hero was to die for--a family man who loved his mama and would do anything to please her. Hey, I'm a mom of three sons. That's my favorite little daydream. Fine. Not really, but it sounded pretty on paper. The one story I read was decent enough. I don't know that I will pick up that author's work on purpose, but at the same time, I wouldn't be averse to reading her work again.

Now that's all caught up, I feel much better. The chapter of RWA (pick me!) to which I belong is sponsoring a jumpstart to get us writers in the groove again after tubs full of eggnog and tins of fruitcake. My goal is to write four pages a day. If I surpass that, great! But I must write, write, write. So far, so good. The last challenge we did saw me through the finish of my second manuscript. I look forward to similar success. So I'll have to keep you all posted as to my progress.

Sorry, no witty comments today. I'm feeling oh-so-dull, but alas, my story won't write itself. Hope your first Friday of 2007 is a smash hit!

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