23 March 2007

Catching Up...

So, what have I been up to for the past week? Job stalking, reading, cooking, cleaning. All normal stuff. Of course, I've spent a huge amount of time at the local library. It's a great place to escape--quiet, full of books. What else could a girl want?

Lately, I've been waking early--earlier than normal. Some of it's stress. Yes, dear friends, I'm admitting it out loud. There are chinks in my armour. Some of my early bird rising is because I've been reading fab books and couldn't wait another minute to finish the story. Then, there's always the fact that I'm wired to wake with the sun. When I lived in Alaska, I didn't really sleep in the summer. I just sort of paused and then did everything all over again. Man, I miss that place. For those who've never been, that's a do-before-you-die sort of thing. And do it in the winter! The snow sparkles, the Northern Lights twist in a ribbon dance across the sky, and you can taste the quiet. I didn't mean for this to become an ode to Alaska. It's just one of the few places in my life that's felt like home.

Home. Amazing how trite it sounds 'til you're searching for one. I've developed too-late syndrome. I fall in love with a house too late. Someone's already snagged it and I have to move on. I just remind myself that if it were perfect for me and mine, I'd have it. There are no coinky-dinks, which means perfection looms around the corner. Sounds scary. Even scarier is the thought that I'll have to unpack all my crap and find (you guessed it) the perfect place for it.

The point in my urge to blog today was to share some of the amazing books I've read. Once I had that library card in my hot little hand, there was nothing stopping me. I checked out Plum Lovin' and Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich. I laughed, and then felt sad when the adventure was over. Typical me. Good thing book 13 is around the corner. Next, I read Terry Goodkind's Phantom. Now, I used to be a bit obsessed with his books. Love the philosophy, though the author says it's not a purposeful injection. In my mind, this goes back to all fiction having some autobiographical roots. We can't help put that little slice of self into our work, and I'm glad. Otherwise I might have missed out on so many amazing thinkers.

I read through Phantom like it was my life source. I'd waited too long between books, you see. Plus, when it came out, I misunderstood that this was to be the last in The Sword of Truth series. I've never been so glad to be wrong. As I neared the end, I kept saying to myself, "There's no way he's going to be able to tie up all these loose ends. There are too few pages and too much stuff that has to happen." I was right. Guess it's good for me that he has the other book coming out this fall. I love the world he constructed, the characters, the conflict and the fact that it is more broad than the typical man-and-his-journey story. The appeal for me is that the characters are not unlike me--even though in their world magic is as real as the air they breathe. If you haven't read these books, please do.


Ellen said...

Having moved myself so many times, I can relate with the efforts of trying to "find home" and make the one you have just that. Good luck with your job stalking. :)

I would love to visit Alaska - especially to see the Northern Lights. How nice that you were able to spend good time there.

HUGE Evanovich fan here! I'm always, always bummed when I finish one of the Plum books. I listen to them on audio with Lorelei King narrating -- awesome. I can't wait for 13. I've never read Goodkind, but my BIL is a fan. Maybe I'll check those out too.

Love your blog!

Elayne said...

Ellen! Thanks so much for dropping in! Thanks for all the good luck too :) Alaska is one of my favorite places in the world! And the people are just amazing. I know a lot of folks go up by cruise, but there's nothing like taking a ferry up, or even a plane and just exploring the lay of the land.

I've only tried audio books once. It was a Cat Who book, and it was supposed to help me read while I worked out. Didn't work. After all the hype at RWAOL, I did go to the library to see if they had any Evanovich in audio. They have everything on cassette tape! I don't have a tape player in my car anymore, though we do have one in our home on wheels. Problem is, it will play the thing through the whole house, and I don't think that would go down too well :)

Glad you enjoyed the blog. I was a little miffed because I'd done a review of Snow Angels and Claire's Double Trouble, but they were eaten by the cyber gods. I will have to try again.

And you have to get another story out!!! SOON!

Ellen said...

I have small cassette and CD players that I belt around my waste -- and use headphones -- so I can listen to my story while cleaning/cooking, etc. without disturbing the family. It works out great! You'd love the Evanovich books - make sure to get Lorelei King narrating. Which is your favorite genre? I can recommend some good ones. :)

Your so sweet to do a review - even if it did get eaten up. :) I am writing more these days since life has become less chaotic lately, so hopefully something new soon.

Elayne said...

Yea!!! I'll be hounding you for it. I'm glad life has eased up for you, Ellen. It's so nice when everything falls in line.

I don't have a favorite genre. I don't even have a favorite color! Generally, I'll read anything someone I trust recommends, which is why RWAOL is great for me. Not only do I have great recommendations, but I have a slew of great authors to support and promote. One thing I've learned in my frequent library visits is that romance books aren't too available. I guess my next project will be to see what I can do to change that. I have to confess I only started reading romance about 9 months ago, so I have a LOT of catching up to do.

Ellen said...

Well, I read nothing but classic literature for years - so I can recommend there too. But for romance, audiobooks ARE limited. However, I've had great luck with:

Sandra Brown (RS): Get her later RS stuff, rather than the earlier work (being released now as audio) which were straight romance and not as good. You can probably tell them apart by the blurb and the fact that her later (better) writing is all narrated by men.

Lisa Scottolini (legal thrillers that are funny too and have some romance - if you get these, make sure they're the ones with Barbara Rosenblat narrating)

Suzanne Brockmann (GREAT military romances)

Evanovich (Lorelei King narrating) for comedy. Some of hers are CJ Critt, which are okay too.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Nora Roberts - I like more of her stuff on audio. Sometimes the narrator makes the difference with hers.

Oh, and Julie Garwood! (Contemp RS)

Karen Robards

If I think of more, I'll pop back in. :)

Elayne said...

Wow! You're a gem. I've read SEP and Nora Roberts as JD Robb, love Julie Garwoods historicals, but haven't read her contemporaries. The rest I will have to hunt down. I was at a thrift store today, browsing books. Not that I have anywhere to put them all. I'm running out of places to stash them! But who can resist a cheap book? Maybe I'll get a couple for my time in Denver.