26 February 2007

I really shouldn't be doing this...

In less than six hours the movers will be here to pack up my life. I have worked all day, washing laundry, arranging rooms and making things tidy so their work will go quicker and my day will be less stressful. Unfortunately, to do all this I haven't been able to go to bed. I sent the DH and children away so they could rest and be ready for appointments and school, respectively. I decided to take a break and reassess what's been done and what yet needs doing. My friends offered to help, which I would have gladly taken them up on if only I knew what I wanted done. Yes, there's a master plan, but having done this moving business more than a few times, I know it's the little things that trip you up. No matter how I try, how many lists I write, I know I will either forget something or remember way too much.

I can see it now. My car piled to the ceiling with crap that would have been better left behind. And most of it won't necessarily be mine. How does that happen? I have to admit though, I did pack my garment bag full of underwear. As long as I've got clean undies and a toothbrush, I'll be okay. Must have books too. Can't live without them. And my toolbox, and my battery charger because I refuse to be a damsel in distress. I just wasn't cut out for that role. Think all that will fit in my trunk--with the case full of intimates? I'll have to give my little car a deluxe oil change after this trip.

On the writing front, things have been wonderful. I'm so close I can taste it. My characters finally had sex. They tried to months ago, but the hero's daughter came home sooner than expected. Isn't that always the way? Being me, I had to put them through hell before I could give them a glimpse of heaven. Kidnapping, a break up, the reappearance of the ex-wife and much, much more kept this couple out of the bedroom. Then, they got engaged. Awww... Now that they've done the deed, I wonder how their relationship will change. I don't see anything huge on the horizon. They are very steady, these two, but one never knows with my characters. Every now and again, they do the damnedest things. Keeps me on my toes.

Guess I should go back to work. Did you hear that? It was a great big, fat, hairy sigh. I don't want to do it! I don't want to do any more laundry or dishes or dusting or anything that doesn't involve crawling on the floor with a blanket and pillow and going to sleep. This is where I remind myself to be grateful. If I didn't have a home, food or clothes, I wouldn't have the opportunity to take care of my things. Off to be a good steward. Next time you hear from me, I'll be writing from my home on wheels! Woo hoo! I'm counting down in earnest.

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