11 August 2007

Who shall I be when I grow up?

The last post was absolutely dismal. I make no apologies as it was honest, but man alive, I hate being depressing! So what's new on the writer front? Another rejection. The last I had out. It was a nice rejection. Of course, I have yet to receive one that says don't quit your day job. Instead of ranting and whining about why I suck, I sent out more queries. This writing business, and I do mean business, is a test of resilience. I am getting excited about the coming conference in November. I can't wait to leave work and do something that's all about me. All the weekends of overtime were killing me, and I've got more ahead, but instead of those hours equating to extra groceries or gas money that money will be dedicated to my coming excursions. After all, writing and sci-fi conferences don't pay for themselves!

On the work front, besides the overtime, I'm still vacillating between hating it and being in like. I spend more time with my workmates than I do my family, and as a mom that's difficult for me. Two sides of myself are fighting at all times and I don't know how to reconcile them. I work with people who plan prospective children around the peak seasons at work. Since I have only one planned child, to say I don't understand that sort of calculation is an understatement. As I drove to work this morning, I thought about my life and realized I've been a mom forever. Now, we all know this isn't true, but there aren't too many memories I have that aren't about or involving my children. I think I will be the most boring person alive when I don't have little people to cook for or admonish/cajole into cleaning their rooms. Sure, I can maintain my fledgling career as a karaoke diva but that will only take me so far. Eventually, people will stop indulging my need to be on stage.

Without a life and the people who propel me forward, what kind of writer will I be? One of those who writes dry books even I don't want to read. Good grief! So I'll have to do something amazingly interesting that will fuel stories for years to come. Recommendations anyone?


Anonymous said...

Don't think too hard about it. The most wonderful adventures and blessings happen unplanned (ex. two of the three minions)!

Elayne said...

Thanks for the timely reminder, Anon! I'm keeping my head down and focusing on the writing. Trying not to think is my HUGE problem.

Anonymous said...

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