16 April 2007

More on the horizon...

This is short. My apologies, dear friends. I'm in the middle of a GREAT book. You all have probably read it, so please pardon my exuberance. Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Julie, if you didn't get to meet her last year, look out for her this year at the conference. I think she's teaching a course. I wouldn't have to think if I actually looked, but hey, I'm only human. Anyway, if you haven't read this book, stop what you're doing and find a copy. Okay, you're allowed to sleep and stuff, but this is a must read. Before you ask, I've never seen the movie. At this point, I doubt I will, but Ms. Hyde can tell a story so compelling I don't need to see it played out in film. If the cyber gods are generous, I'll do a review here. Crossing my fingers that it doesn't get eaten.

So, what have you read lately? Have you read Pay It Forward, and if so, what did you think?


Julie Kibler said...

I did meet CRH at the conference. Unfortunately, I only caught the tail end of one of her classes, but was highly impressed. Will attend whole ones this year! (I hope they're later in the day...My pet Night Owl won that battle last year.)

I bought Love in the Present Tense and chatted with her at the signing, and of course got her to sign it. IT IS AMAZING. Same thing you said with Pay it Forward. RUN. BUY. READ. I have loaned my copy to a friend's 16-year-old son because I thought he would love it as well.

About two or three weeks ago, I checked out Electric God from the library. Again, LOVED it. It was not as moving as LITPT or Pay it Forward, exactly, but I still devoured that thing in 24 hours.
I think it's optioned for a movie...maybe even in production?

Pay it Forward, I have not read yet, but I've watched the movie I don't know how many times. I'm definitely going to read the book, too. I'm on a team at church that designs the slides for the sermon notes and picks movie clips to go along with the theme, and I suggested a clip we used from the movie a couple of weeks ago when our pastor was talking about using what God gives us to help others.

BIG BIG CRH fan! She was one of the people I came home from there going, "Pinch me! I can't believe I just met and talked to (insert author name here) and she was just a normal person like me! There is hope!"

(Sorry for such a long comment...I just got so excited. Heh.)

Ellen said...

I haven't read the book, but the movie was terrific (and since the books are usually better - I can only imagine. :))

Elayne said...

Julie, I feel bad about missing all of CRH's classes. I don't generally write YA, so I spent more time with other instructors. I actually didn't get to spend any time with her until the last day after everyone left. She was incredibly gracious. I don't know what I thought big-time pubbed authors were supposed to act like, but I am constantly suprised by their generosity. Gosh, I hope I can be as wonderful as these people when I grow up :)

Ellen, I haven't seen the movie and have no intention of ever watching it. For the most part, I don't watch much in the way of TV or film, so I am SO out of the loop when it comes to pop culture. Shameful, I know. You're right. The books usually are better, and in this case, I willing to bet that I would be extremely disappointed with the film version. The book was AMAZINGLY beautiful, poignant, and beautiful. Yup, I said that twice. Like a fool, I took it to work to finish. I was sitting in the break room with tears wobbling in my eyes, pretending that my contacts were misbehaving. God forbid I actually admit to being moved by a story--especially moved to tears, 'cause big girls don't cry, right? Really, I don't cry for much, so for a book to bring tears to my eyes is a BIG thing. As soon as I can rub a few dimes together, I'm buying that book.

Now, I have to go out and grab the ones Julie mentioned. You know what's crazy? I didn't expect to LOVE the book. I thought it would be good, but wasn't sure it would grab me like it did. CRH is on my purchase list.